Sueno Hotels Deluxe Belek

Sueno Hotels Deluxe Belek in Belek, Antalya makes you experience a perfect holiday through all its facilities. Enjoy the perfect holiday with its marvellous vast sand beach and swimming-pools, unlimited activities for your children. As well as a luxurious holiday experience through our all-inclusive service, prepare for an unforgetable holiday with our excellent summer concerts, entertaining activities and animation shows. Sueno Golf Club is offering 2 courses of Pines 18 holes and Dunes 18 holes.

All guests staying at Sueno Hotels Deluxe Belek can use all areas of Sueno Hotels Golf Belek. All services offered free of charge are valid for both facility guests.

Category: 5 stars Distance to Airport: 35 km
Total rooms: 426 Distance to city center: 3 km
Wi-Fi: Free in all facility Beach length: 200 m
Hotel area:  1.410.000 m² Distance to Beach: 0 m

Board Type: Deluxe All Inclusive / Summer and winter concept may change.
Board Information:
07:30 10:00 Breakfast
10:00-11:00 Late Breakfast
11:00-14:30 Brunch
12:30-14:30 Lunch
19:00-21:30 Dinner
23:00-00:30 Night Buffet
01:00-07:00 Night Snack
10:00-22:00 Patisserie
10:00-19:00 Simit House
08:00-24:00 Coffee and Tea
08:00-01:00 Lobby Bar
24 Hour Lounge Bar
10:00-12:00 Entertainment Bar
12:30-17:00 Sueno Square Bar
23:00-03:00 Disco Bar
08:00-00:00 Cafe Türk
10:00-21:00 Vitamin Spa Bar
12:30-00:00 Snack Bar
09:00-00:00 Pool Bar
10:00-19:00 Beach Bar
10:00-19:00 Pier Bar

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